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A simple REST task management system

Development Test and BDD

The project is spit into two main codebase, where is present the server code and ui React.js code

Moreover, a performance test suite and BDD (Behavior Driven Development) suite have been created.

Run TMS locally

  1. Clone repo TMS server and TMS UI
  2. cd tms
mvn clean install
java -jar target/task-management-system-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar db migrate config.yml
java -jar target/task-management-system-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar server config.yml

  1. cd tms-ui
npm install
npm run generate
npm start

Run TMS on docker

cd tms-ui

npm install
npm run build
docker build -t marcosperanza79/tms-ui -f Dockerfile .

cd tms

mvn clean install
docker build -t marcosperanza79/tms -f target/docker/Dockerfile .
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/conf/docker-stack.yml up


The performance tests has been designed to invoke directly the REST endpoints. The test plan has been developed on top of JMeter, you can find the plan directly in the TMS codebase

To run the test execute following instructions:

The file uses ${SRC} environment variable for mounting a volume that point to the project codebase needed for:

rm -fr target/jmeter && docker-compose -f src/main/docker/conf/docker-stack-dev.yml up tms rest-perf

the results and reports will be placed into target/jmeter

here is an example of jmeter report


BDD (Behavior Driven Development)

A dedicated code base for the BDD has been created:

the BDD has been developed on top of serenity-js: a framework that users selenium.

Serenity uses a more comprehensive pattern, called Screen-Play-Pattern that allow a very clean and readeble code for your BDD test suite.

here is an example:

it(`add a new todo date calendar`, () =>
    Ensure.that(Website.title(), includes('TMS')),
    FillActivityDesc.called('TEST AUTO'),


    Wait.until(Tms.firstItem, isPresent()),
    Ensure.that(Text.of(Tms.firstItem), equals('TEST AUTO')),


The BDD test suite test the complete user interaction:

The test suite uses an environment variable for locating the target url, if not set a default value is used http://localhost:3000

WARNING the test suite will clean the database, DO NOT RUN IN PRODUCTION.

npm install
export TARGET_URL=http://my_stage_url
npm test

A detained test report will be created into target/site
