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A simple REST task management system


For deploiyng in production or stage you can choose multiple ways: Docker/swarm or k8s. Some scripts have been created to deploy a default configuration.

All project docker images are published into Docker Hub

The docker images will be published by github workflows

Docker/SWARM services

The docker compose files use an src/main/docker/conf/ file for defining the production coordinate.

Deploy on the same node Server and UI

docker-compose -f src/main/docker/conf/docker-stack.yml up

Deploy on docker swarm Server and UI

docker stack deploy -c src/main/docker/conf/docker-stack.yml tms


You need a production k8s cluster. i.e. Oracle Kubernetes Cluster Service

kubectl create secret generic database-access \
  --from-literal=username=sa \
  --from-literal=password=sa \
  --from-literal=driver=org.h2.Driver \

kubectl apply -f
kubectl expose deployment tms --port=80 --type=LoadBalancer

inspect the loadbalancer for discovering the public IP. The UI will be exposed on the http://<public_ip>

kubectl get service tms