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A simple REST task management system

TMS-UI (Task Management System)

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App, Redux Thunk and Typescript.

It manages a simple task manager based on TMS server.

Code contribution and design

The project is developed based on the redux thunk framework. It uses middleware dispatchers for creating side-effects to the actions and retrieve data from the APIs.

Folder structure

UI library

A simple UI library has been used for widgets rendering: Primereact. The main usage is the PrimeFlex library that gives some simple css classes for using the flexbox, borders and spicing

Open API

TMS server exposes a JSON representative swagger structure that is used for creating services based on axios Follow for extracting the updated APIs.

This project reads the open APIs json file directly on this folder: src/open-api/tms-api-v1.json. In order to generate the services run this

npm run generate


The docker image is based on nginx:1.19.10 image. The main idea is to use nginx to publish the webapp and redirect the requests to the backand. Into the project folder nginx there is a default template for configuring nginx. It uses an envinonment variable TMS_SERVICES that must be used for redirect the request to the right backend server.

See an example here

npm install
npm run build
docker build -t marcosperanza79/tms-ui:latest -f Dockerfile .